
Source code on GitHub.

This node records data published to given topics and saves them as rosbag. It only works with Isaac ROS Mission Client. Please read the tutorial of isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client_bringup first.


To run Mission Client with the recorder, set the ros_recorder launch file parameter to true.

ros2 launch isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client_bringup ros_recorder:=true


ros2 launch isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client_bringup ros_recorder:=true

To start the recorder, post a mission from mission dispatch. Here is an example mission:

  "robot": "carter01",
  "mission_tree": [
      "name": "string",
      "parent": "root",
      "action": {
        "action_type": "start_recording",
        "action_parameters": {"path": "/tmp/data", "topics": "/rgb_left", "time":3}
  "timeout": 300,
  "deadline": "2022-10-07T00:21:31.112Z",
  "needs_canceled": false,
  "name": "mission01"

The action_type should be start_recording and the parameters path, topics, time are required. The recorder saves data published by topics in folder path for time seconds.

To stop the recorder, post a mission with action of type stop_recording from Mission Dispatch. Here is an example:

  "robot": "carter01",
  "mission_tree": [
      "name": "string",
      "parent": "root",
      "action": {
        "action_type": "stop_recording"
  "timeout": 300,
  "deadline": "2022-10-07T00:21:31.112Z",
  "needs_canceled": false,
  "name": "mission02"