Isaac Perceptor

Isaac Perceptor is a camera-based 3D perception system for mobile robots. It provides robust odometry together with local 3D scene reconstruction to enable autonomous navigation applications.

Isaac Perceptor leverages multiple other Isaac ROS modules:

For details on how these packages are combined in Isaac Perceptor see:


Isaac Perceptor supports running on the following robot platforms and simulation environment,

Running Isaac Perceptor on the Nova Orin Developer Kit could serve as a quickstart.

On the Nova Orin Developer Kit

Review the following guide to run camera-based 3D perception with Isaac Perceptor on the Nova Orin Developer Kit, which can be mounted on your robot.

On the Nova Carter

Review the following guide to run camera-based 3D perception, and autonomous navigation with Isaac Perceptor on the Nova Carter.

In Isaac Sim

Review the following tutorial to run camera-based 3D perception, and autonomous navigation with Isaac Perceptor in Isaac Sim.

Repositories and Packages

The Isaac ROS implementation of Isaac Perceptor is in the following repository:
