Tutorial for Pick and Place from Isaac Cloud Service


This tutorial walks through the process of triggering pick and place workflow from Isaac cloud service using Mission Dispatch APIs. In this tutorial, you will setup Mission Dispatch on one x86_64 machine, launch mission client along with other ROS2 nodes on the robot and trigger pick and place workflow by cloud APIs.


  • Complete the pick and place tutorial for pick and place using ROS2 action servers first.

  • If you are using Isaac Sim, complete the following sections in the pick and place tutorial for Isaac Sim:

    1. Set Up Development Environment

    2. Build the Code

    3. Set Up Perception Deep Learning Models

  • If you have a RealSense manipulator, complete all sections except “Run Pick and Place with Isaac Sim Platform.”

Tutorial Walkthrough

Setup Mission Dispatch

The following steps should be done on an x86_64 machine.

  1. Start MQTT broker on the x86_64 machine.

    The MQTT broker is used for communication between the Mission Dispatch and the robots. There are many ways to run an MQTT broker, including as a system daemon, a standalone application, or a Docker container. The following example uses mosquitto as the MQTT broker.

    1. Create a file ~/mosquitto.sh with the following contents outside the container:

    if [ $# != 2 ] ; then
        echo "usage: $0 <tcp_port> <websocket_port>"
        exit 1
    echo "allow_anonymous true" >> $CONFIG_FILE
    echo "listener $PORT" >> $CONFIG_FILE
    echo "listener $PORT_WEBSOCKET" >> $CONFIG_FILE
    echo "protocol websockets" >> $CONFIG_FILE
    mosquitto -c $CONFIG_FILE
    1. Run the command outside the container:

    docker run -it --network host -v ~/mosquitto.sh:/mosquitto.sh -d eclipse-mosquitto:latest sh mosquitto.sh 1883 9001
  2. Start Mission Dispatch with Docker.

    1. Set the following environment variable:

    export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<Any password>
    1. Start the Postgres database by running the following:

      docker run --rm --name postgres \
         --network host \
         -p 5432:5432 \
         -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
         -e POSTGRES_DB=mission \
        -d postgres:14.5

    Read this tutorial for more deployment options for Mission Dispatch.

  3. Open http://localhost:5000/docs in a web browser.

Launch ROS2 Nodes

Complete the following steps on the robot.

  1. Complete Set Up Development Environment and Build isaac_ros_mission_client to build the packages.

  2. Run the following launch files within the container to spin up mission_client:

    ros2 launch isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client_bringup isaac_ros_vda5050_client.launch.py \
        robot_type:=arm \
        launch_ws_bridge:=True \
        serial_number:=arm01 \
  3. Complete the required sections in the pick and place tutorial or the pick and place tutorial for Isaac Sim first as described in Overview.

  4. Launch pick and place servers:

    1. Inside the container, launch the tool_communication.py script:

    ros2 run ur_robot_driver tool_communication.py --ros-args -p robot_ip:=<ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS>
    1. Open a new terminal inside the container and run:

    cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS} && \
       source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch isaac_manipulator_pick_and_place ur_pick_and_place.launch.py \
        ur_type:=<UR_TYPE> robot_ip:=<ROBOT_IP_ADDRESS> \
        gripper_type:=<GRIPPER_TYPE> camera_type:=hawk setup:=<SETUP_NAME> \

    This tutorial was validated using ur_type:=ur5e, ur_type:=ur10e with gripper types of robotiq_2f_140 and robotiq_2f_85.

Trigger Pick and Place Workflow

  1. Open http://localhost:5000/docs in a web browser.

  2. Use the POST /robot endpoint to create robot with name arm01.

        "labels": [],
        "heartbeat_timeout": 30,
        "name": "arm01"

    When using the interactive documentation page, the default value for the the robot object name in the spec is ‘string’, you must change it from ‘string’ to another name that has more meaning, like ‘arm01’. Delete the prefix entry as shown in the video.

  3. Trigger object detection using POST /mission endpoint. Here is an example input:

        "robot": "arm01",
        "mission_tree": [
                "name": "get_objects",
                "parent": "root",
                "action": {
                    "action_type": "get_objects",
                    "action_parameters": {}
        "timeout": 300,
        "needs_canceled": false
  4. If the mission completes successfully, use GET /detection_results endpoint to get object detection results. The detection results contain object_id and class_id, which are needed for pick and place workflow.

    If the get_objects mission fails or GET /detection_results endpoint returns an empty list, repeat step 2 to send the mission again.

  5. Trigger pick and place using POST /mission endpoint. object_id and class_id come from the detection results. place_pose is a comma separated string with 7 floats, representing the position and quaternion of where the gripper drops the object in the manipulator base_link frame. For the example scene in Isaac Sim, set place_pose as "-0.35,0.2,0.4,0.996,0.066,0.042,0.034" to drop the object into the bin.

        "robot": "arm01",
        "mission_tree": [
                "name": "pick_place",
                "parent": "root",
                "action": {
                    "action_type": "pick_and_place",
                    "action_parameters": {
                        "object_id": "<object_id>",
                        "class_id": "<class_id>",
                        "place_pose": "<position_x>, <position_y>, <position_z>, <Quaternion_x>, <Quaternion_y>, <Quaternion_z>, <Quaternion_w>"
        "timeout": 300,
        "needs_canceled": false


    • If the pick_and_place mission fails, repeat steps 2-4 to try again.

    • The pick and place server will cache object poses. If you rerun the pipeline and the object position is different, clear the cache using the POST /mission endpoint. The object_ids parameter can be either empty to clear all objects or a comma separated string to clear specific objects.

        "robot": "arm01",
        "mission_tree": [
                "name": "clear_objects",
                "parent": "root",
                "action": {
                    "action_type": "clear_objects",
                    "action_parameters": {
                        "object_ids": ""
        "timeout": 300,
        "needs_canceled": false

    The steps above shows how to trigger pick and place workflow using Mission Dispatch APIs. We provide a basic UI as an example showing how you can develop applications using our cloud APIs.

    You can find the source code in mission_dispatch/scripts/pick_and_place_ui.py.

    To start the UI on your x86_64 machine:

    1. Clone the code, navigate to the start script, and start the UI:

      git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/nvidia-isaac/isaac_mission_dispatch.git
      cd mission_dispatch && scripts/run_dev.sh
    2. Run the UI in the Docker container

      bazel run //scripts:pick_and_place_ui -- http://localhost:5000 ws://<robot_ip>:9090 /resize/image

      If you are using Isaac Sim, robot_ip must be localhost. If you are running on a RealSense manipulator, it is the IP address of your Jetson machine.

  6. Enter the robot name arm01 and click Run Object Detection to trigger object detection. The UI will show an image with bounding boxes for detected objects.

  7. Click on the image to select the object to pick and enter the place pose.

  8. Click Submit to trigger pick and place pipeline.

  9. To run clear objects mission, click Clear Objects.