Tutorial for Occupancy Grid Localizer with Isaac Sim

This tutorial describes how to integrate the Isaac ROS Occupancy Grid Localizer with a simulated robot running in Isaac Sim with Nav2.
Tutorial Walkthrough
Complete the quickstart here.
Launch the Docker container using the
script:cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/run_dev.sh
Install and launch Isaac Sim following the steps in the Isaac ROS Isaac Sim Setup Guide.
in the Stage pane and change the topic name for front 2D lidar as follows:
in the Stage pane and setenabled
to True (checked).Press Play to start publishing data from the Isaac Sim.
Run the launch file and validate that a Nav2 window pops up.
ros2 launch isaac_ros_occupancy_grid_localizer isaac_ros_occupancy_grid_localizer_nav2.launch.py
Open a new terminal using the
script:cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/run_dev.sh
Trigger the localization service using the command line interface:
ros2 service call /trigger_grid_search_localization std_srvs/srv/Empty {}
You should see the laser scan in RViz. This happens when the transform between map and front_2d_lidar frame is available. The robot is now localized. You can give a position setpoint using the
2D Nav Goal
button as shown below. You can relocalize again at any point by running theros2 service call