Tutorial for Integrating Custom Manipulators with cuMotion
This tutorial walks through the process of integrating a custom manipulator with cuMotion. Users using a Franka, UR5e, or UR10e manipulator do not need to follow this tutorial and can directly proceed to the cuMotion quickstart guide. Users with a Universal Robot (UR) manipulator other than UR5e or UR10e will need to create an XRDF file for their robot but can skip the other sections of this tutorial; see Creating an XRDF file for a Custom Manipulator. Users with other manipulators must follow the full tutorial.
This tutorial has been tested with Isaac Sim 4.2.
Before starting this tutorial, you must satisfy the following prerequisites:
Your manipulator has a “MoveIt config” ROS 2 package.
You have Isaac Sim 4.0 or later installed.
Set Up Development Environment
Set up your development environment by following the instructions in Compute Setup and Getting Started.
.cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src && \ git clone -b release-3.2 https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_common.git isaac_ros_common
Creating USD for a Custom Manipulator
Isaac Sim provides access to an asset library including many robot arms. If your robot isn’t in that library, you will need to create your own robot USD as follows:
Clone your robot’s MoveIt config ROS 2 package in
. The package name is often of the form<ROBOT>_moveit_config
and may be provided by your robot manufacturer or by the ROS-Industrial project.Find or generate a URDF file for your robot based on the files in your robot’s MoveIt config ROS 2 package.
Convert the URDF to USD using Isaac Sim’s URDF Importer extension.
The USD prim created by the URDF Importer tool will have its
set as the articulation root. In theProperty
tab, navigate to thePhysics
drop-down and delete theArticulation Root
from theroot_joint
.Right-click on the robot’s Xform and select
.Save the file as
Creating an XRDF file for a Custom Manipulator
If your robot is a Franka (original model once called “Franka Panda”), a UR10e, or a UR5e, this section may be skipped, since preconfigured XRDF files for those robots are included with Isaac ROS cuMotion.
cuMotion requires a URDF as well as an XRDF file for the robot. URDFs are available for most common robot arms, but it may be necessary to create an XRDF file. This can be done by hand (e.g., using an existing XRDF file as a reference) or by using the Robot Description Editor in Isaac Sim 4.0 or later, as follows.
If Isaac Sim’s robot assets folder doesn’t have the USD for your robot, follow the Creating USD for a Custom Manipulator section above to create a USD file.
Follow the Robot Description Editor instructions to generate the XRDF file using Isaac Sim. Export the XRDF file as
Modifying a Robot’s MoveIt Configuration
Follow the instructions in this section if you want to use cuMotion with Isaac Sim and your manipulator is not a Franka or UR.
To run cuMotion with Isaac Sim, you will need to make slight modifications to your manipulator’s MoveIt configuration
files (often found in a <ROBOT>_moveit_config
or <ROBOT>_description
package). Create a <ROBOT>_config
directory in your ROS workspace to store the files created below.
When creating the files below, the configuration files and launch file for the UR10e robot may be used as a reference.
In all file names below, replace <ROBOT>
with your robot’s name (e.g., ur3e
The ros2_controllers.yaml
file is used to configure the ros2_control
controller manager with all possible
controllers for your robot (e.g., for the combination of the arm and gripper, the arm alone, the gripper alone, etc.).
Create a copy of the
file from your robot’s MoveIt configuration package.Make minor modifications so that it looks like the provided sample file for the UR10e robot.
The <ROBOT>.ros2_control.xacro
file configures the initial position and position limits for each robot joint.
Create a copy of the
file from your robot’s MoveIt configuration package. If such a file doesn’t exist, create one by copying the contents of the<ros2_control>
section of your URDF file.Remove the
section from your URDF file, if present.Replace the
subsection with the code below to properly set up topic-based ROS 2 control; the ROS topics are those expected by the provided Isaac Sim USD scene. The sample file for the UR10e robot may be used as a reference.
<param name="joint_commands_topic">/isaac_joint_commands</param>
<param name="joint_states_topic">/isaac_joint_states</param>
The <ROBOT>.urdf.xacro
file contains the robot description and should include (e.g., via a <xacro::include>
both the xacro required to generate the robot URDF and the robot’s ros2_control
configuration (e.g.,
). If a <ROBOT>.urdf.xacro
file was provided with your robot description or MoveIt
configuration package, it may contain only the former. In this case, a wrapper <ROBOT>.urdf.xacro
file should be
created. In the following, the
sample file
for the UR10e robot is used as a reference.
Create a copy of the provided sample xacro file.
$(arg ur_type)
in the following line with your robot name:<robot xmlns:xacro="http://www.ros.org/wiki/xacro" name="$(arg ur_type)">
Replace the following lines with any needed to set arguments required by your URDF or
xacro files:<xacro:arg name="ur_type" default="ur"/> <xacro:arg name="use_fake_hardware" default="true" /> <xacro:arg name="name" default="ur10e" /> <!-- Do not add ROS2 control from default UR package, add TopicBasedROS2 Control --> <xacro:arg name="generate_ros2_control_tag" default="false" />
Modify the following line so it imports your URDF xacro file:
<xacro:include filename="$(find isaac_ros_cumotion_examples)/ur_config/ur_sim.urdf.xacro" />
Modify the following line so it imports your
xacro file:<xacro:include filename="ur.ros2_control.xacro" />
Remove the following line or adjust as needed:
<xacro:ur_ros2_control name="URFakeSystem" tf_prefix="" />
The moveit_config.rviz
file configures an RViz window for use with cuMotion and MoveIt. Your MoveIt config package
might already come with such a file. There is no need to follow these instructions unless that file doesn’t work as
Create a copy of the provided sample RViz file.
There are six occurrences of each robot link name. You can find them by searching for
. Replace them with lists of links specific to your robot.
The <ROBOT>.launch.py
file is a ROS 2 launch file that runs everything necessary to control your robot.
The following instructions will result in a launch file that is also suitable for controlling a simulated robot in
Isaac Sim.
Create a copy of the provided sample launch file.
to declare any required launch arguments, removing the following:DeclareLaunchArgument( 'ur_type', default_value='ur10e', description='UR robot type', choices=['ur3', 'ur3e', 'ur5', 'ur5e', 'ur10', 'ur10e', 'ur16e', 'ur20', 'ur30'] )
, remove the definition ofur_type
and replace any references thereto.In
, set thepackage_name
keyword argument of theMoveItConfigsBuilder()
constructor to the name of your robot’s MoveIt configuration package, replacingur_moveit_config
.MoveItConfigsBuilder(ur_type, package_name='ur_moveit_config')
, replace the following lines to set the file path to the<ROBOT>.urdf.xacro
file created earlier in this tutorial:file_path=os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('isaac_ros_cumotion_examples'), 'ur_config', 'ur.urdf.xacro' ),
, remove the following argument or add your own mappings as needed.mappings={'ur_type': ur_type}
, modify the file paths and mappings as needed. Note that file paths are relative to the root of your MoveIt configuration package..robot_description_semantic(file_path='srdf/ur.srdf.xacro', mappings={'name': 'ur'}) .robot_description_kinematics(file_path='config/kinematics.yaml') .trajectory_execution(file_path='config/controllers.yaml')
, the following customizations are specific to the MoveIt configuration package for UR robots (ur_moveit_config
) and may either be removed or customized to suit the configuration files for your robot:# the workarounds below are based on the following ur_moveit_config and ur_description versions # ur_moveit_config: github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver/tree/2.2.14 # ur_description: github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS2_Description/tree/2.1.5 moveit_config.trajectory_execution = { 'moveit_simple_controller_manager': moveit_config.trajectory_execution } del moveit_config.trajectory_execution['moveit_simple_controller_manager'][ 'moveit_manage_controllers' ] moveit_config.trajectory_execution['moveit_manage_controllers'] = True moveit_config.trajectory_execution['trajectory_execution'] = { 'allowed_execution_duration_scaling': 1.2, 'allowed_goal_duration_margin': 0.5, 'allowed_start_tolerance': 0.01 } moveit_config.trajectory_execution['moveit_controller_manager'] = ( 'moveit_simple_controller_manager/MoveItSimpleControllerManager' ) moveit_config.robot_description_kinematics['robot_description_kinematics']['ur_manipulator'] \ = moveit_config.robot_description_kinematics['robot_description_kinematics']['/**'][ 'ros__parameters']['robot_description_kinematics']['ur_manipulator'] del moveit_config.robot_description_kinematics['robot_description_kinematics']['/**'] moveit_config.joint_limits['robot_description_planning'] = load_yaml(os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('ur_description'), 'config', ur_type, 'joint_limits.yaml' )) # add limits from ur_moveit_config joint_limits.yaml to limits from ur_description for joint in moveit_config.joint_limits['robot_description_planning']['joint_limits']: moveit_config.joint_limits['robot_description_planning']['joint_limits'][joint][ 'has_acceleration_limits' ] = True moveit_config.joint_limits['robot_description_planning']['joint_limits'][joint][ 'max_acceleration' ] = 5.0
, replace the following lines to setrviz_config_file
to the correct path for your RViz configuration file:rviz_config_file = os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('isaac_ros_cumotion_examples'), 'rviz', 'ur_moveit_config.rviz', )
In the following
constructor, replace'base_link'
with the name of your robot’s base link:world2robot_tf_node = Node( package='tf2_ros', executable='static_transform_publisher', name='static_transform_publisher', output='log', arguments=['--frame-id', 'world', '--child-frame-id', 'base_link'], )
, replace the following lines to setros2_controllers_path
to the correct path for yourros2_controllers.yaml
file:ros2_controllers_path = os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('isaac_ros_cumotion_examples'), 'ur_config', 'ros2_controllers.yaml' )
, modify the following lines as needed based on the controllers in yourros2_controllers.yaml
file:scaled_joint_trajectory_controller_spawner = Node( package='controller_manager', executable='spawner', arguments=['scaled_joint_trajectory_controller', '-c', '/controller_manager'], ) joint_trajectory_controller_spawner = Node( package='controller_manager', executable='spawner', arguments=['joint_trajectory_controller', '-c', '/controller_manager'], )
Ensure that all link and joint names in
, and<ROBOT>.xrdf
are consistent.Ensure that the group name in your SRDF file is the same as the value produced when evaluating
.Remove the
section from the URDF file if such a section exists.