Source code on GitHub.
The isaac_ros_ground_calibration
package enables calibration of any color or grayscale camera with respect to the
ground plane.
Autonomous robotic systems need to perceive obstacles and the environment around them. Ground calibration helps perception modules to identify the ground plane, and differentiate it from objects and other features in the scene.
Ground calibration refers to the 3 Degrees of Freedom (DoF) aligning a sensor or a robot with the ground plane, and includes elevation in the Z axis, as well as pitch and roll rotations.
This package is expected to be used offline and requires a calibration target on the ground. Refer to the Calibration Target section below for printing instructions.
The main inputs of the camera-ground calibration tool are a recording of a scene including one static calibration target placed on flat ground (refer to the Data Recording section below), the measurements of the calibration target in a YAML file, and the topic of the camera observing the target.
The output of this tool is a 3-DoF transformation between a camera in canonical frame (X forward, Y left, Z up) and the ground plane. A sample output is shown below:
Plane calibration results (3-DoF):
plane_T_front_stereo_camera_left: z: 0.339673 m, roll: -0.006314 rad, pitch: -0.020137 rad
Calibration can be substituted as follows in a URDF file (using nominal values for the remaining non-estimated 3 DoF):
<joint name="front_stereo_camera_left_joint" type="fixed">
<origin xyz="<nominal_x> <nominal_y> 0.339673" rpy="-0.006314 -0.020137 <nominal_yaw>"/>
<parent link="base_link"/>
<child link="front_stereo_camera_left"/>
Set Up Development Environment
Set up your development environment by following the instructions in getting started.
.cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src && \ git clone -b release-3.2 isaac_ros_common
(Optional) Install dependencies for any sensors you want to use by following the sensor-specific guides.
We strongly recommend installing all sensor dependencies before starting any quickstarts. Some sensor dependencies require restarting the Isaac ROS Dev container during installation, which will interrupt the quickstart process.
Download Quickstart Assets
Download quickstart data from NGC:
Make sure required libraries are installed.
sudo apt-get install -y curl jq tar
Then, run these commands to download the asset from NGC:
NGC_ORG="nvidia" NGC_TEAM="isaac" PACKAGE_NAME="isaac_ros_ground_calibration" NGC_RESOURCE="isaac_ros_ground_calibration_assets" NGC_FILENAME="quickstart.tar.gz" MAJOR_VERSION=3 MINOR_VERSION=2 VERSION_REQ_URL="$NGC_ORG&teamName=$NGC_TEAM&name=$NGC_RESOURCE&isPublic=true&pageNumber=0&pageSize=100&sortOrder=CREATED_DATE_DESC" AVAILABLE_VERSIONS=$(curl -s \ -H "Accept: application/json" "$VERSION_REQ_URL") LATEST_VERSION_ID=$(echo $AVAILABLE_VERSIONS | jq -r " .recipeVersions[] | .versionId as \$v | \$v | select(test(\"^\\\\d+\\\\.\\\\d+\\\\.\\\\d+$\")) | split(\".\") | {major: .[0]|tonumber, minor: .[1]|tonumber, patch: .[2]|tonumber} | select(.major == $MAJOR_VERSION and .minor <= $MINOR_VERSION) | \$v " | sort -V | tail -n 1 ) if [ -z "$LATEST_VERSION_ID" ]; then echo "No corresponding version found for Isaac ROS $MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION" echo "Found versions:" echo $AVAILABLE_VERSIONS | jq -r '.recipeVersions[].versionId' else mkdir -p ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets && \ FILE_REQ_URL="$NGC_ORG/$NGC_TEAM/$NGC_RESOURCE/\ versions/$LATEST_VERSION_ID/files/$NGC_FILENAME" && \ curl -LO --request GET "${FILE_REQ_URL}" && \ tar -xf ${NGC_FILENAME} -C ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets && \ rm ${NGC_FILENAME} fi
Build isaac_ros_ground_calibration
Launch the Docker container using the
script:cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/
Install the prebuilt Debian package:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt update sudo apt-get install -y ros-humble-isaac-ros-ground-calibration
with the same unique ID (number between 0 and 101) on every bash instance inside the Docker container:export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<unique ID>
Clone this repository under
:cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src && \ git clone -b release-3.2 isaac_ros_nova
Launch the Docker container using the
script:cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/
to install the package’s dependencies:sudo apt-get update
rosdep update && rosdep install -i -r --from-paths ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_nova/isaac_ros_ground_calibration/ --rosdistro humble -y
Build the package from source:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS} && \ colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to isaac_ros_ground_calibration
Source the ROS workspace:
Make sure to repeat this step in every terminal created inside the Docker container.
Because this package was built from source, the enclosing workspace must be sourced for ROS to be able to find the package’s contents.
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS} && \ source install/setup.bash
with the same unique ID (number between 0 and 101) on every bash instance inside the Docker container:export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<unique ID>
Run Launch File
Continuing inside the Docker container, run the following launch file to spin up a demo of this package:
ros2 launch isaac_ros_ground_calibration \ rosbag:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/isaac_ros_ground_calibration/quickstart_rosbag \ image_topic:=/front_stereo_camera/left/image_compressed \ target_file:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/isaac_ros_ground_calibration/quickstart_target_info.yaml \ rectify_width:=1920 rectify_height:=1200
(Optional) Add an output file path to the launch command to keep a copy of the calibration results, using the
The arguments rectify_width
and rectify_height
must reflect the image resolution of the
camera used, and they only need to be provided if the image stream is not already rectified.
Open a new terminal inside the Docker container:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/
with the same unique ID as in the main terminal:export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<unique ID>
Run RViz or
to visualize the detection and pose estimation of the calibration target. By default, detections will be published in/camera_ground_calibration/target_detection
. Images will stop being published after ground calibration succeeds:ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
Calibration Target
Supported Patterns
The current version of the camera-ground calibration tool only supports checkerboards.
Checkerboards must be fully on sight of the camera for them to be detected. Partial detections are not supported.
Size and Design
The required size of the calibration target depends on the camera configuration and sensor placement in the robot, including but not limited to distance to the ground, incidence angle, image resolution, and lens choice.
As a general guideline it is recommended to use a calibration target with large square size, and a minimum of 7 rows and 11 columns. Large calibration targets are preferred, as long as the squares that are further away from the camera still appear large in the image and their detection is stable. Hence, the larger the target, the larger the square size needs to be. Moreover, the smaller the image resolution used for target detection, the larger the square size needs to be.
The specifications for the calibration targets used in this tutorial are as follows:
Pattern Type |
Board Dimension |
Thickness |
Square Size |
Checkerboard Resolution |
Checkerboard Coarse |
400x300 (mm) |
6 (mm) |
30 (mm) |
12x9 |
Checkerboard Coarse |
800x600 (mm) |
6 (mm) |
60 (mm) |
12x9 |
The specific placement of the calibration target depends on each hardware configuration, but the goal to keep in mind is to achieve precise and stable corner detections. Hence, it is recommended to place the calibration target close to the camera, with its longer size perpendicular to the forward axis of the camera, as illustrated in the picture below:

Target Printing
The calibration target must be rigid without any noticeable bending when flat on the ground. We recommend using aluminum/LDPE composite for the required flatness and stiffness.
We recommend using to obtain high quality calibration targets. The targets used in this tutorial were purchased from
Ensure that the printed target is:
Non-glossy to minimize light reflections and glare.
Black and white in color.
Squares in the checker pattern are indeed squares and not rectangles.
Validation tip: Instead of measuring the dimensions of single squares, it is more accurate to measure the side of multiple squares at once (all if possible) and divide the distance by the number of squares measured.
YAML Target Description
One important input of this tool is the a YAML file (target_file.yaml
) detailing the
measurements of the calibration target. The sample below refers to 12x9 checkerboard with 30 mm
squares and 6 mm thickness.
target_type: 'checkerboard'
num_squares_height: 9 # Number of squares in Y dimension
num_squares_width: 12 # Number of squares in X dimension
longer_side_m: 0.36 # Length in meters of the longest side of the checker pattern
thickness_m: 0.006 # Thickness of the calibration board in meters
num_still_frames: 10 # Number of consecutive still frames to use for pose estimation
still_image_pixel_threshold: 5 # Maximum pixel detection difference to consider still frame
It is important to create the YAML file with accurate measurements of the calibration target being used.
Some calibration tools use the inner checkerboard corners instead of the number of squares. Make sure to use the number of squares in width and height, or the calibration target will not be detected correctly.
Data Recording
Follow the guidelines below when recording the rosbag for ground calibration:
Make sure that the ground around the robot is smooth and flat.
Make sure that the calibration space is brightly illuminated with diffuse light, to avoid glare on the calibration target.
Target dimensions, placement, and design must follow the guidelines in the Calibration Target section above.
There must be only one calibration target in the scene.
The calibration target must be static during the recording.
The length of the recording is recommended to be between 5 seconds and 10 seconds.
When using the Nova sensor set, it is recommended to use the isaac_ros_nova_recorder. Image topics are recorded with H.264 compression by default.
When using a different data recorder (e.g. with non-Nova sensors), it is recommended to record non-compressed image topics. This tool only supports H.264 decompression.
When using non-Nova sensors, configure the camera resolution to its highest setting.
When using cameras with infrared (IR) projector (including but not limited to RealSense cameras) it is recommended to disable the IR emitter and other sources of IR light during data recording.
Refer to isaac_ros_data_recorder for additional details on data recording.
Calibration target detection with IR cameras is not as reliable as with color cameras.
When using camera sets with both IR and color imagers (including but not limited to RealSense cameras), it is recommended to use a color imager for ground calibration. If it is a must to use an IR imager, it is recommended to follow accurately the instructions in the Calibration Target and Data Recording sections, and try different locations and sizes for the calibration target.
Isaac ROS Troubleshooting
For solutions to problems with Isaac ROS, see troubleshooting.
Image topic does not exist in the rosbag
Nothing seems to happen until the end of the rosbag and nothing is visualized in the
Make sure to choose an existent topic in the rosbag. Topics in the rosbag can be listed with the command:
ros2 bag info <rosbag>
Target Not Detected
Warning message reading Target not detected
in the terminal and overlaid on the images
streamed on the /camera_ground_calibration/target_detection
[] [WARN] [1724803927.046786211] [camera_ground_calibration.plane_target_calibration]: Target not detected
Follow the guidelines in the Calibration Target and Data Recording sections above, and make sure that all the following are true:
The provided image topic matches the camera visualizing the calibration target.
The calibration target is fully in sight in the rectified / undistorted image.
The calibration target is brightly and homogeneously illuminated without any glare.
The calibration target is not too far away from the camera.
The squares in the calibration target are not too small. Note that using large calibration targets may lead to the squares farther away from the camera to become too small in the image.
The camera resolution is configured at its highest setting.
The YAML file correctly defines the calibration target used.
Target Moving or Uncertain
Message in the terminal reading:
[] [INFO] [1724803649.611023580] [camera_ground_calibration.plane_target_calibration]: Target moving or uncertain. Please keep target still. If it is not moving, place the target closer to the camera or print a larger target.
Take a recording with one static calibration target, and make sure its dimensions, placement, and design follow the guidelines in the Calibration Target section above.
ros2 launch isaac_ros_ground_calibration rosbag:=<rosbag> image_topic:=<camera_topic_name> target_file:=<target_info.yaml> /[output:=<output.txt> /]
ROS Launch Arguments
ROS Launch Argument |
Default Value |
Description |
None |
Path to recording. |
None |
Image topic to use for calibration. It supports raw images or compressed with H.264. |
None |
Path to file YAML defining the calibration target. |
None |
Image width. To be set only if image is not already rectified/undistorted. |
None |
Image height. To be set only if image is not already rectified/undistorted. |
None |
(Optional) path to the output file. The content of the file matches the text in the terminal. |
Inferred from |
(Optional) camera info topic corresponding to |
(Optional) topic suffix identifying topic names assumed to be encoded with H.264. |
ROS Topics Subscribed
ROS Topic |
Interface |
Description |
Camera stream. |
Camera intrinsics. |
ROS Topics Published
ROS Topic |
Interface |
Description |
Camera stream with overlaid detections. |