Jetson Stats


The Isaac ROS Jetson Stats package wraps the output from the jetson_stats package and publishes a diagnostic message with the status of your device. It remaps all board statuses to the desired format for more accessible analysis and monitoring.

jtop terminal

jetson-stats is a powerful tool to analyze your board, you can use with a stand alone application with jtop or import in your Python script, the main features are:

  • Decode hardware, architecture, L4T and NVIDIA JetPack

  • Monitoring, CPU, GPU, memory, engines, fan

  • Control NVP model, fan speed, jetson_clocks

  • Importable in a Python script

  • Containerized

  • Do not need super user

  • Tested on many different hardware configurations

  • Works with all NVIDIA JetPack versions


  • For more information on jetson-stats, see Documentation.

  • For more information on jtop documentation, see jtop.

  • For more information on NVIDIA Jetson documentation, see jtop.