========================== |package name| ========================== :ir_github:` ` This node records data published to given topics and saves them as ``rosbag``. Quickstart ---------- To run Mission Client with the recorder, set the ``ros_recorder`` launch file parameter to ``true``. .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client_bringup isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client.launch.py ros_recorder:=true or .. code-block:: bash ros2 launch isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client_bringup isaac_ros_vda5050_client.launch.py ros_recorder:=true To start the recorder, post a mission from mission dispatch. Here is an example mission: .. code-block:: json { "robot": "carter01", "mission_tree": [ { "name": "string", "parent": "root", "action": { "action_type": "start_recording", "action_parameters": {"path": "/tmp/data", "topics": "/rgb_left", "time":3} } } ], "timeout": 300, "deadline": "2022-10-07T00:21:31.112Z", "needs_canceled": false, "name": "mission01" } The ``action_type`` should be ``start_recording`` and the parameters ``path, topics, time`` are required. The recorder saves data published by ``topics`` in folder ``path`` for ``time`` seconds. To stop the recorder, post a mission with action of type ``stop_recording`` from Mission Dispatch. Here is an example: .. code-block:: json { "robot": "carter01", "mission_tree": [ { "name": "string", "parent": "root", "action": { "action_type": "stop_recording" } } ], "timeout": 300, "deadline": "2022-10-07T00:21:31.112Z", "needs_canceled": false, "name": "mission02" } .. |package name| replace:: Isaac ROS Scene Recorder