Tutorial: Docking with Nav2 and Isaac Cloud Service

This tutorial will enable you to dock/undock a Nova Carter robot through Isaac Cloud Services. Below we will start the Isaac Mission Dispatch edge service, configure the on-robot Nav2 and Isaac Mission Client services, and send a behavior tree via the Mission Dispatch REST interface to have the robot perform a dock/undock maneuver. This tutorial uses opennav_docking maneuver and Isaac ROS AprilTag for dock pose detection.


  • AprilTag attached to the dock Ensure an AprilTag is affixed to the front of the dock to allow the cart to accurately detect the dock’s position. The AprilTag must belong to the tag36h11 family and measure 6 inches. The images below illustrate how to measure the tag size and how the tag is attached to the dock. For further information about AprilTags, please refer to the details provided here.



  1. Follow the directions to start Isaac Mission Dispatch

Verify Mission Dispatch is running by navigating to http://localhost:5000/docs, or http://<your_ip_address>:5000/docs


Read this tutorial for more deployment options for Mission Dispatch.

  1. SSH into the robot (instructions).

  2. Make sure you have successfully connected the PS5 joystick to the robot (instructions).

  3. Build/install the required packages:

  1. Pull the docker image:

docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/isaac/nova_carter_bringup:release_3.0-aarch64
  1. Run the docker image:

docker run --privileged --network host \
    -v /dev/*:/dev/* \
    -v /tmp/argus_socket:/tmp/argus_socket \
    -v /etc/nova:/etc/nova \
    nvcr.io/nvidia/isaac/nova_carter_bringup:release_3.0-aarch64 \
    ros2 launch nova_carter_bringup navigation.launch.py \
    enable_nvblox_costmap:=False \
    stereo_camera_configuration:=front_driver_rectify \
    enable_wheel_odometry:=True \
    enable_3d_lidar_localization:=True \
    map_yaml_path:=<path_to_map_yaml> \
    enable_mission_client:=True \


Make sure to replace <path_to_map_yaml> with the path of the map YAML file. If you do not have a map of your environment you can create one using this tutorial

  1. Get an initial pose for your dock

The docking server utilizes this dock pose to calculate a rough initial pose to start dock detection. Thus, it is unnecessary to be precise.

Use the PS5 joystick to move the carter into the dock. Open a new terminal in the container

ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo map base_link

You will get output like the following

- Translation: [45.199, 19.320, 0.000]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.000, 0.000, 0.614, 0.789]
- Rotation: in RPY (radian) [0.000, -0.000, 1.323]
- Rotation: in RPY (degree) [0.000, -0.000, 75.787]
- Matrix:
  0.246 -0.969  0.000 45.199
  0.969  0.246  0.000 19.320
  0.000  0.000  1.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000

Record the x, y translation and yaw in radian for later use.

  1. Send docking mission

dock_robot action parameters (types of all parameters are string):




The type of the dock. For Carter, it should be nova_carter_dock.


The position of the dock. A comma separated string with three floats. For example, for the sample pose shown in step 5, it should be 45.199,19.320,1.323.


Optional. Whether to trigger global localization before executing the action. It is true by default.

Use the dock pose you get from step 5. Here is an example input for mission dispatch:

    "robot": "carter01",
    "mission_tree": [
            "name": "dock",
            "parent": "root",
            "action": {
                "action_type": "dock_robot",
                "action_parameters": {
                    "dock_type": "nova_carter_dock",
                    "dock_pose": "<dock_x>,<dock_y>,<dock_yaw>",
                    "trigger_global_localization": "true"

    "timeout": 300,
    "deadline": "2023-09-28T04:04:24.013Z",
    "needs_canceled": false,
    "name": "dock_example"


The robot state will not turn into CHARGING if the battery percentage is high(around 90%).

  1. Send undocking mission

undock_robot action parameters (types of all parameters are string):




The type of the dock. For Carter, it should be nova_carter_dock.


Optional. Whether to trigger global localization after executing the action. It is true by default. In the default carter configuration, global localization relies on the front 2D lidar. This can lead to positional drift when Carter is docked. It is recommended to enable this.

Here is an example input for mission dispatch:

    "robot": "carter01",
    "mission_tree": [
            "name": "undock",
            "parent": "root",
            "action": {
                "action_type": "undock_robot",
                "action_parameters": {
                    "dock_type": "nova_carter_dock",
                    "trigger_global_localization": "true"

    "timeout": 300,
    "deadline": "2023-09-28T04:04:24.013Z",
    "needs_canceled": false,
    "name": "undock_example"


The robot can still perform undocking when the state is not CHARGING. Nav2 Collision detection is disabled when the robot is in-between the staging pose and the dock. The path between staging pose and the dock is expected to be free of obstacles.


If the carter does not establish contact with the dock after the docking process is complete, consider adjusting the external_detection_translation_x parameter in /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src/opennav_docking/nova_carter_docking/params/nova_carter_docking.yaml. The default value is -0.18. You may increase this value to bring the carter closer to the dock. More details for docking parameters can be found here.