Tutorial for Bi3D with ZED Camera


This tutorial walks through setting up a graph to segment stereo image pairs from a ZED camera.


This tutorial requires a compatible ZED camera from the list available here.

Tutorial Walkthrough

  1. Complete the ZED setup tutorial.

  2. Complete the Quickstart section for the isaac_ros_bi3d package.

  3. Launch the Docker container using the run_dev.sh script:

    cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \
  4. Inside the container, build and source the workspace:

    cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev && \
    colcon build --symlink-install && \
    source install/setup.bash


If you are not using the ZED2i camera, modify the camera_model variable in the launch file to zed, zed2, zed2i, zedm, zedx or zedxm. Also change the Fixed Frame in RViz to camera_model_left_camera_optical_frame.

  1. Launch the pre-composed graph launch file and wait for 10 seconds:

    ros2 launch isaac_ros_bi3d isaac_ros_bi3d_zed.launch.py \
    featnet_engine_file_path:=/tmp/models/bi3d/bi3dnet_featnet.plan \
    segnet_engine_file_path:=/tmp/models/bi3d/bi3dnet_segnet.plan \
    max_disparity_values:=10 \
    image_height:=1080 \


Modify image_height and image_width with the appropriate values if using other image sizes.