Isaac ROS Mission Client
Source code on GitHub.
The launch script, under the launch directory, brings up the MQTT bridge nodes and the VDA5050 Nav2 Client node.
ros2 launch isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client_bringup namespace:=<"namespace for ros graph"> mqtt_host_name:=<"mqtt_host_name"> mqtt_transport:=<"mqtt_transport"> mqtt_pub_topic:=<"mqtt_pub_topic"> ros_subscriber_type:=<"ros_subscriber_type"> ros_to_mqtt_name:=<"ros_to_mqtt_name"> mqtt_sub_topic:=<"mqtt_sub_topic"> ros_publisher_type:=<"ros_publisher_type"> mqtt_to_ros_name:=<"mqtt_to_ros_name">
ROS Parameters
ROS Parameter |
Type |
Default |
Description |
The ROS namespace used for the ROS graph. e.g. carter |
The MQTT broker IP to connect to. e.g. |
The MQTT broker port |
The protocol to use for sending MQTT messages (either tcp or websockets) |
The path for the WebSocket if the protocol set in mqtt_transport is websockets |
The MQTT topic to publish MQTT messages |
The MQTT topic to subscribe for incoming MQTT messages |
The ROS message type to convert incoming MQTT messages to |
The ROS message type that outgoing MQTT message are converted from |
The MQTT client name for the RosToMqtt Node |
The MQTT client name for the MqttToRos Node |
Retry connecting forever if connection to MQTT message broker is not established |
The period of time to wait before retrying to connect to MQTT message broker (in seconds) |
The number of reconnection retries to connect to the MQTT message broker before giving up. This setting is only valid if |
Launches |