Tutorial for Isaac Manipulator Reference Workflows with Isaac Sim


This tutorial walks through the process of planning trajectories for a robot in Isaac Sim using Isaac Manipulator. It leverages the cuMotion plugin for MoveIt 2 provided by Isaac ROS cuMotion on a Jetson AGX Orin. This tutorial demonstrates obstacle-aware planning using cuMotion in three different scenarios. The first moves the robot end effector between two predetermined poses, alternating between them while avoiding obstacles detected in the workspace. The second scenario goes further by having the robot end effector follow an object at a fixed offset distance, also while avoiding obstacles. For pose estimation, we provide the option to use either FoundationPose or DOPE. This scenario sets up a Pick And Place workflow by leveraging the skills in the previous 2 scenarios and adding grasping behavior to set up a pick and place.

The object-following tutorial supports the same perception models as the one on the real robot.

Multiple cameras can help reduce occlusion in the scene, and therefore increase the quality and completeness of the 3D reconstruction being used for collision avoidance. While the object following tutorial with multiple cameras runs scene reconstruction for obstacle-aware planning on all cameras, object detection and pose estimation are only enabled on the camera with the lowest index.

We use rectified image streams from simulation and do not need to perform lens distortion and rectification that would need to be performed on a real robot.

We use perfect ground truth depth from the simulation which drives up accuracy and allows one to focus on the software stack in a perfect albeit unrealistic environment.


The obstacle avoidance behavior demonstrated in this tutorial is not a safety function and does not comply with any national or international functional safety standards. When testing obstacle avoidance behavior, do not use human limbs or other living entities.

The examples use RViz for visualization. RViz is the default visualization tool when Isaac Manipulator is running on the same computer that is displaying the visualization. Foxglove is recommended when visualizing a reconstruction streamed from a remote machine. However, that is not officially supported for the sim workflows

Demonstration of Isaac Manipulator pick and place for a robot simulated in Isaac Sim
RViz visualization of Isaac Manipulator pick and place for a robot simulated in Isaac Sim


  • Isaac Sim running on a workstation that has at least 25 GB GPU VRAM and 30 GB CPU RAM. In case of questions, refer to the official Isaac Sim requirement documentation.

  • And x86 machine.


Set Up Development Environment

  1. Set up your development environment by following the instructions in getting started.

  2. Clone isaac_ros_common under ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src.

    cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src && \
      git clone -b release-3.2 https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_common.git isaac_ros_common

Build Isaac ROS cuMotion

  1. Clone isaac_manipulator under ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src.

    cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src && \
      git clone --recursive -b release-3.2 https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_manipulator.git isaac_manipulator
  2. Clone the Isaac ROS fork of ros2_robotiq_gripper and tylerjw/serial under ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src.

    cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src && \
      git clone --recursive https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/ros2_robotiq_gripper && \
      git clone -b ros2 https://github.com/tylerjw/serial
    • The fork of ros2_robotiq_gripper is required because it includes a fix for Issue #57 in the upstream repository.

    • The fork of tylerjw/serial is required because it includes a fix for Issue #21 in the upstream repository.

  3. Building dependencies:

    cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}
    colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select-regex robotiq* serial --cmake-args "-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF" && \
    source install/setup.bash
  4. Launch the Docker container using the run_dev.sh script:

    cd $ISAAC_ROS_WS && ./src/isaac_ros_common/scripts/run_dev.sh
  5. In all terminals:

    • Verify that the file /usr/local/share/middleware_profiles/rtps_udp_profile.xml exists in the Docker container.

    • Set the following flag to disable SHM on Isaac Sim, to ensure that all DDS communication runs over UDP.

    export FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE=/usr/local/share/middleware_profiles/rtps_udp_profile.xml
  6. There are two options for installing this tutorial, installation from Debian and installation from source.

    1. Use rosdep to install the package’s dependencies:

      sudo apt-get update
      rosdep update && \
         rosdep install -i -r \
         --from-paths ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_manipulator/isaac_manipulator_bringup/ \
         --rosdistro humble -y
    2. Build and source the ROS workspace:

      cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}
      colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to isaac_manipulator_bringup
      source install/setup.bash

Set Up Perception Deep Learning Models

If you choose to set up perception deep leaning models, you must:

  1. Refer to the Set Up Perception Deep Learning Models section.

  2. Later in the tutorial, you must use the instructions in the “Object Following using FoundationPose” tab.

Run Launch Files on the Isaac Sim Platform

We recommend setting a ROS_DOMAIN_ID via export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<ID_NUMBER> for every new terminal where you run ROS commands, to avoid interference with other computers in the same network (ROS Guide).

  1. Open Isaac Sim and load the scene below and hit Play.

  2. Open a new terminal inside the Docker container:

    cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \
  3. Run the following examples:

    1. Launch the object following example:

      ros2 launch isaac_manipulator_pick_and_place isaac_sim_workflows.launch.py \
         workflow_type:=object_following pose_estimation_type:=foundationpose
      • If your asset path is different from the default, run the following command to override the paths to FoundationPose assets.

      • The FoundationPose-specific parameters are prefixed by foundation_pose_ and rtdetr_.

      ros2 launch isaac_manipulator_pick_and_place isaac_sim_workflows.launch.py -s

Run Pick and Place with Isaac Sim Platform

We recommend setting a ROS_DOMAIN_ID via export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<ID_NUMBER> for every new terminal where you run ROS commands, to avoid interference with other computers in the same network (ROS Guide).

  1. Open Isaac Sim and load the scene below and hit Play.

  2. Open a new terminal inside the Docker container:

    cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \
  3. Launch the pick and place example:

    ros2 launch isaac_manipulator_pick_and_place isaac_sim_workflows.launch.py \
       workflow_type:=pick_and_place object_attachment_type:=sphere use_pose_from_rviz:=True

    For increased reliability, we recommend using the custom_mesh or cuboid approach:

    • For custom_mesh, this can be done by setting object_attachment_type:=custom_mesh and attach_object_mesh_file_path:=<PATH-TO-MESH> in the launch files above.

    • For cuboid, this can be done by setting object_attachment_type:=cuboid and setting object_attachment_scale:=<CHOSEN_SCALE> in the launch files above. The CHOSEN_SCALE consists of 3 floating point values, representing the dimensions of the cuboid.


    If you see the log No depth images from X seconds, consider changing the filter_depth_buffer_time:= to a higher value (the unit is seconds). This will allow object attachment to buffer more depth images from the past. The caveat is that the software will operate on an older set of data that might lead to creating object spheres that might not model the object position accurately.

    The other parameter to tune is the time_sync_slop parameter. It defines the synchronization threshold for finding a matched pair of depth images, joint states and transforms. For slower systems, slightly tweaking the value up will allow for collision sphere and obstacle avoidance to work. Using a very large value will synchronize older pieces of data together, leading to unpredictable downstream effects in planning, collision voxel cloud generation, and obstacle avoidance.

    This only applies when SPHERE is used as the object attachment type. The other modes do not use depth as input to create the object spheres.

  4. Optional: To test out pick and place with a different set of grasps, follow the Isaac Sim Grasp Editor tutorial using the provided scene for the Robotiq 2F-140 gripper, ensuring that the selected “gripper frame” is robotiq_base_link. For the soup can, the selected “rigid body frame” must be soup_can.

    Isaac Sim scene used for authoring grasps for the Robotiq 2F-140 or 2F-85 grippers with the "soup can" or "mac and cheese" objects
  5. Take this YAML file and run pick and place with the new grasp through this command:

    ros2 launch isaac_manipulator_pick_and_place isaac_sim_workflows.launch.py \
       workflow_type:=pick_and_place grasp_file_path:=<PATH-TO-YAML-FILE-PATH> \

    If you want to run Isaac Sim example with pose estimation via FoundationPose, remove the use_ground_truth_pose_in_sim flag and, before running the action call, run the following action call to get objects:

    ros2 action send_goal /get_objects isaac_manipulator_interfaces/action/GetObjects {}
  6. After you run the launch file, wait for the cuMotion is ready for planning queries! message in the log file and in a new terminal (make sure ROS_DOMAIN_ID is correct, to see the topics), run the following action call to trigger the pick and place:

    ros2 action send_goal /pick_and_place isaac_manipulator_interfaces/action/PickAndPlace "{object_id : 0}"

    Or, use the marker controls to set the desired position and orientation. In this mode, the `place_pose` in the below command is ignored. When launching the ROS graph earlier, `use_pose_from_rviz` is set to `True` which created an interactive marker that could be used here to set the place pose.

    Or, rather than specifying the place pose via an interactive marker in RViz, the pose may instead be specified on the command line, as in the following example where the pose is centered over the bin. For this to work, isaac_sim_workflows.launch.py above should be launched with use_pose_from_rviz:=False.

    ros2 action send_goal /pick_and_place isaac_manipulator_interfaces/action/PickAndPlace \
    "{object_id : 0, place_pose : { position : { x : -0.35, y : 0.2, z : 0.4}, orientation : { w : 0.034, x : 0.996, y : 0.066, z : 0.042}}}"
  7. Isaac Sim caches the last known joint state in its action graphs and pushes that in when Play is pressed. If the gripper is in a bad state (for example, if it is in self-collision), open the gripper. To later close the gripper, set the position to 0.623. You must have a launch file running to run the following command:

    ros2 action send_goal /robotiq_gripper_controller/gripper_cmd \
       control_msgs/action/GripperCommand "{command: {position: 0.0, max_effort: 0.0}}"
  8. To do another object pick and place, you must do a service call to clear all current objects in the cache. You can do that via this service call. After this, you can run the entire pipeline again to pick and place another object.

    ros2 service call /clear_objects isaac_manipulator_interfaces/srv/ClearObjects

    This will clear all objects from the cache, if you only want to clear a certain object then you need to specify the object id in the request.