ZED Camera Examples

This page contains tutorials for running nvblox on the ZED camera.
This tutorial requires a compatible ZED camera from the list available here.
These are the steps common to running all examples on the zed.
Complete the ZED setup tutorial.
Complete the Developer Environment Setup.
For best results we suggest increase maximum Linux kernel receive buffer size as detailed here.
Complete the nvblox quickstart.
ZED Example
This example runs nvblox-based reconstruction from a single zed camera, either from live data coming directly off a camera, or from recorded data coming from a ROSbag.
Navigate (inside the docker) to the workspace folder
cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev
Run the zed example, either live from a sensor or from a recorded ROSbag.
ros2 launch nvblox_examples_bringup zed_example.launch.py \ camera:=<ZED_CAMERA_MODEL> rosbag:=<YOUR_DATASET_PATH>
ros2 launch nvblox_examples_bringup zed_example.launch.py \ camera:=<ZED_CAMERA_MODEL>
is eitherzed2
depending on the ZED camera model you are using.
To record your own ZED ROSbag, please refer to the official ROSbag recording tutorial.