Tutorial: Teleoperate the Robot with a Joystick
This demo will enable you to remote control the robot with a joystick. Additionally, you will be able to visualize the outputs of the various sensors on the robot with Foxglove.
For this tutorial, it is assumed that you have successfully setup your Nova Carter robot using the setup instructions here and you are familiar with the Isaac ROS development environment.
SSH into the robot (instructions).
Make sure you have successfully connected the PS5 joystick to the robot (instructions).
Build/install the required packages:
Pull the Docker image:
docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/isaac/nova_carter_bringup:release_3.1-aarch64
Run the Docker image:
docker run --privileged --network host \ -v /dev/*:/dev/* \ -v /tmp/argus_socket:/tmp/argus_socket \ -v /etc/nova:/etc/nova \ nvcr.io/nvidia/isaac/nova_carter_bringup:release_3.1-aarch64 \ ros2 launch nova_carter_bringup teleop.launch.py1. Make sure you followed the Prerequisites and you are inside the Isaac ROS Docker container.
Install the required Debian packages:
sudo apt update sudo apt-get install -y ros-humble-nova-carter-bringup source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
Run the launch file:
ros2 launch nova_carter_bringup teleop.launch.py1. Make sure you followed the Prerequisites and you are inside the Isaac ROS Docker container.
to install the package’s dependencies:sudo apt update rosdep update rosdep install -i -r --from-paths ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/nova_carter/nova_carter_bringup/ \ --rosdistro humble -y
Build the ROS package in the Docker container:
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to nova_carter_bringup \ --packages-skip isaac_ros_ess_models_install isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install source install/setup.bash
Run the launch file:
ros2 launch nova_carter_bringup teleop.launch.py
You are now able to remote control the robot with the gamepad. You can use the left joystick to control the linear velocity and the right joystick to control the angular velocity of the robot. Please note that you have to press
to enable the remote control. You can enable turbo mode by pressingR1
.Follow the next steps to additionally visualize the sensor outputs in Foxglove.

Visualizing the Outputs
Make sure you complete Visualization Setup.
Open the Foxglove studio on your remote machine. In Foxglove, open the
layout file downloaded in the previous step.Validate that you can see a visualization of the Nova Carter robot, an image of the front stereo camera and the scan lines of the front and back 2D lidar scanners. You should expect a visualization similar to the following:

You can also visualize different sensors by enabling them in the left-hand panel.
This example will stream the camera images in their full resolution to Foxglove. This requires a substantial amount of bandwidth and is only done here for exemplary purposes. Most likely the image stream will be fairly choppy due to the large bandwidth. For a better visualization experience, we recommend only visualizing resized images or h264 streams.
Streaming higher bandwidth data to Foxglove causes higher latency. You can choose an appropriate value for the send_buffer_limit parameter in Foxglove bridge to control latency vs. high bandwidth data visualization.
The fisheye cameras use the equidistant
distortion model which is not
yet supported in Foxglove. For this reason, it is not possible to visualize a
fisheye camera in the 3D panel in Foxglove. You can however add an
additional Image panel and use this to visualize the fisheye camera. In
the Image panel’s settings set Topic to the fisheye camera’s image
topic and set Calibration to None
Enabling Different Sensors
Per default, the launch file teleop.launch.py
will enable the Segway
base, the front, left and right stereo cameras, the front and back 2D lidars and
the 3D lidar. You can however pass additional launch arguments to enable
different sensors.
To see all available launch arguments run
ros2 launch nova_carter_bringup teleop.launch.py --show-args
To enable all sensors use the following launch command
ros2 launch nova_carter_bringup teleop.launch.py \
enable_3d_lidar:=True \
enabled_2d_lidars:=front_2d_lidar,back_2d_lidar \
enabled_stereo_cameras:=front_stereo_camera,back_stereo_camera,left_stereo_camera,right_stereo_camera \
To disable all sensors and only run the Segway base use the following launch command
ros2 launch nova_carter_bringup teleop.launch.py \
enable_3d_lidar:=False \
enabled_2d_lidars:=none \
enabled_stereo_cameras:=none \
You may also change the launch arguments to selectively dis-/enable sensors.