Nova Orin Init

Nova Orin Init is a Debian package that includes drivers, device trees, system services, configurations, and tools provided for users to start working on robotics software on Jetson Orin.


Run one of the following commands to add the apt repository. Two options are listed, one for .com (US CDN) and one for .cn (China CDN) - choose whichever you prefer.

  1. .com (US CDN)

    sudo apt install curl -y
    k="/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-nova.gpg"; curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee $k > /dev/null
    s="deb [signed-by=$k] jammy main"
    echo "$s" | sudo tee $f
  2. .cn (China CDN)

    sudo apt install curl -y
    k="/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-nova.gpg"; curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee $k > /dev/null
    s="deb [signed-by=$k] jammy main"
    echo "$s" | sudo tee $f

Install Nova.

  1. Update APT and install the Debian:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install nova-orin-init
  2. Verify that you see an output similar to the following, if this is your first time doing the install:

    No Nova YAML specified. The following example files are available: none, hawk-2_owl-4, owl-4, nova-devkit, nova-orin, hawk-1, hawk-4_owl-4, hawk-2, nova-carter. Select one of the examples for a predefined yaml or none if you would like to write your own custom. Use `show <example>` if you want to see the YAML. Response:

    The examples provided are either products (nova-devkit, nova-carter, etc.) related to Nova or configurations commonly used on a Jetson with Nova. Examples hawk-1, owl-4, hawk-4_owl-4, etc., are named after the type of sensors Nova expects are connected to the Jetson. For instance, if there is only 1 Hawk connected to the Jetson the hawk-1 YAML should be selected. Not all configurations have examples, if no example suits your configuration add your own custom YAML by selecting none and following the guide here.

    Continue if no question appears. No question means that it’s using the old config on the Nova platform.

  3. Reboot the platform by pressing the power button or running:

    sudo reboot
  4. Verify that sensors are working by running the PFC.



  1. Upgrade using the apt repository.

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install nova-orin-init
  2. Reboot the platform by pressing the power button or running:

    sudo reboot
  3. Verify that sensors are working by running the PFC.



  1. Remove the Debian:

    sudo apt remove nova-orin-init

    The removal of Nova Orin Init attempts to revert all settings to their original state on the robot.

  2. Reboot the platform by pressing the power button or running:

    sudo reboot

Remove Previous Selection

During Nova Orin Init install it asks for a Nova YAML selection. This selection persists between installs and automates the upgrade process for your Nova YAML. If you would like to change your Nova YAML follow the instructions below.

  1. Remove Nova Orin Init and its previous selection.

    sudo apt remove nova-orin-init
    sudo rm /etc/nova/manager_selection
  2. (Optional) Remove the custom YAML you created if none was selected previously during install.

    sudo rm /etc/nova/setup.yaml

Add Real-Time Support

Real-time capabilities can be added to any Jetson AGX Orin with JP6 GA by following the installing real-time guide provided by Jetpack. This is useful for applications like robotic arms.

Nova Orin Init does not currently support real-time by default it must be modified after every installation/upgrade. To support real-time the system must use the real-time image. Run the following commands to update Nova’s boot config to use the real-time image:


The Jetpack real-time guide must be completed and Nova Orin Init must be installed before running the below commands

sudo sed -i '/LABEL JetsonIO/,/APPEND/ s|LINUX /boot/Image|LINUX /boot/Image.real-time|' "/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf"


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