Tutorial for ESS with Hawk Camera in Wide FoV Mode ================================================== Overview ------------ This tutorial demonstrates how to: * Stream stereo images using :ir_repo:`Hawk camera ` in wide FoV mode. * Estimate depth using :ir_repo:`Isaac ROS ESS depth estimation `. .. note:: This tutorial requires an Argus-compatible stereo camera from the list of available :doc:`cameras `. .. include:: /_snippets/isaac_ros_nitros_acceleration.rst .. mermaid:: graph LR; argus_node("ArgusStereoNode (Raw Image)" with wide_fov enabled) --> left_rectify_node("RectifyNode (Rectified Image)"); argus_node --> right_rectify_node("RectifyNode (Rectified Image)"); left_rectify_node --> left_crop_node; left_rectify_node --> left_resize_node("ResizeNode (Resized Image)"); left_crop_node --> ess_node("ESSDisparityNode (DNN Inference)"); right_rectify_node --> right_crop_node; right_crop_node --> ess_node; left_resize_node --> point_cloud_point("PointCloudNode (Point Cloud Output)"); ess_node --> point_cloud_point; Wide FoV mode is turned on in `argus_node`, which generates proper camera info for rectification. Images are cropped to remove the black spots then fed into the ESSDisparityNode for depth estimation. If you have an :ir_repo:`Argus-compatible camera `, you can also use the launch file provided in this tutorial to start a fully NITROS-accelerated stereo depth graph. Tutorial Walkthrough -------------------- 1. Complete the :doc:`Hawk setup tutorial `. 2. Complete session `Prepare ESS Pre-trained Model` in :ref:`ESS Quickstart Guide `. 3. Open a new terminal and launch the Docker container using the ``run_dev.sh`` script: .. code:: bash cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/run_dev.sh 4. Build and source the workspace: .. code:: bash cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev && \ colcon build --symlink-install && \ source install/setup.bash 5. Follow the session `Run Launch File` in :ref:`ESS Quickstart Guide ` with wide FoV launch file below: Run the launch file, which launches the example and waits for 10 seconds: .. tabs:: .. tab:: ESS .. code:: bash ros2 launch isaac_ros_ess isaac_ros_argus_ess_wide_fov.launch.py \ engine_file_path:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS:?}/isaac_ros_assets/models/dnn_stereo_disparity/dnn_stereo_disparity_v4.1.0_onnx/ess.engine \ threshold:=0.4 .. tab:: Light ESS .. code:: bash ros2 launch isaac_ros_ess isaac_ros_argus_ess_wide_fov.launch.py \ engine_file_path:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS:?}/isaac_ros_assets/models/dnn_stereo_disparity/dnn_stereo_disparity_v4.1.0_onnx/light_ess.engine \ threshold:=0.4 output_width:=480 output_height:=288