Training your own DOPE model ============================ Overview ------------ The DOPE network architecture is intended to be trained on objects of a specific class, which means that using DOPE for pose estimation of a custom object class requires training a custom model for that class. `NVIDIA Isaac Sim `__ offers a convenient workflow for training a custom DOPE model using synthetic data generation (SDG). Tutorial Walkthrough -------------------- #. Clone the `Isaac Sim DOPE Training repository `__ and follow the training instructions to prepare a custom DOPE model. #. Using the `Isaac Sim DOPE inference script `__, test the custom DOPE model's inference capability and ensure that the quality is acceptable for your use case. #. Complete until ``Run Launch File`` of the quickstart :doc:`here `. #. Move the prepared ``.pth`` model output from the Isaac Sim DOPE Training script into the ``${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/models/dope`` path inside the Docker container. .. code:: bash docker cp custom_model.pth isaac_ros_dev-x86_64-container:${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/models/dope #. Continuing with the DOPE quickstart's ``Run Launch File`` section, run the ```` script with the custom model instead: .. code:: bash ros2 run isaac_ros_dope --format onnx \ --input ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/models/dope/custom_model.pth --output ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/models/dope/custom_model.onnx --row 720 --col 1280 #. Next, launch the ROS 2 launch file with the custom model. .. code:: bash ros2 launch isaac_ros_dope model_file_path:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/models/dope/custom_model.onnx engine_file_path:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/models/dope/custom_model.plan #. Bring up a data source containing your custom object class, such as a camera feed or a rosbag with the custom object. The data source should publish to the ``/image`` and ``/camera_info`` topics, and it should provide the appropriate ``tf`` frame representing the optical frame of the camera. #. Continue with the rest of the quickstart. You should now be able to detect poses of custom objects.