.. Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. Definitions ----------- **Acronyms** ==== ================================================================================= AGV Automated Guided Vehicle API Application Programming Interface AMR Autonomous Mobile Robot FOV Field of View GMSL Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link communication protocol used for video distribution HFOV Horizontal FOV HW Hardware I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit serial communication protocol ROS Robot Operating System SDK Software Development Kit SoC System on Chip SW Software URDF Unified Robotics Description Format VFOV Vertical FOV ==== ================================================================================= Coordinate Systems ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AMR Coordinate System ********************* **Coordinates Orientation** The AMR employs a Right Handed Coordinate System. The AMR forward direction is aligned with the positive X direction. .. figure:: :ir_lfs:`` **X Direction** X positive points to the AMR front direction, X is parallel to the ground in typical AMR conditions. **Y Direction** Y positive points to the AMR left direction, Y is parallel to the ground in typical AMR conditions. **Z Direction** Z positive points to the AMR up direction, Z is perpendicular to the ground in typical AMR conditions. **Coordinates Origin** The coordinates origin or vertex is fixed to the AMR body at the foremost AMR surface on X Direction, center of the body width on Y Direction, and ground surface on the Z Direction in typical AMR conditions. **Roll Direction** Roll positive is the direction rotating Y Direction for 90 degrees to fully align with Z Direction. **Pitch Direction** Pitch positive is the direction rotating Z Direction for 90 degrees to fully align with X Direction. **Yaw Direction** Yaw positive is the direction rotating X Direction for 90 degrees to fully align with Y Direction. **Roll Range** Roll range is (-180,180] in degree. **Pitch Range** Pitch range is [-90,90] in degree. **Yaw Range** Yaw range is (-180,180] in degree. **Rotation** Sub-linked parts in AMR Coordinate System have global extrinsic rotations in the order of Roll Direction, Pitch Direction and Yaw Direction. The rotation matrix R is defined as following, r is Roll in degree, p is Pitch in degree and y is Yaw in degree. .. figure:: :ir_lfs:`` **Linear Translation** Linear translation applies to sub-linked parts after Rotation. For example, a sub-linked stereo camera has x\ :sub:`Δoffset`, y\ :sub:`Δoffset`, z\ :sub:`Δoffset` (from Coordinates Origin to stereo-camera Vertex) as linear translation and R as the Rotation matrix in AMR Coordinate System. A detected point [x:sub:`a`, y\ :sub:`a`, z\ :sub:`a`] from the perspective of the stereo camera has its position at [x:sub:`b`, y\ :sub:`b`, z\ :sub:`b`] from the perspective of the Vehicle Coordinate System. .. figure:: :ir_lfs:``