========================= Repositories and Packages ========================= Use this index to find the Isaac ROS packages you need and examples on how to use them. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Repository - Package(s) - Description * - :doc:`AprilTag ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_apriltag ` - CUDA-accelerated AprilTag detection and pose estimation. * - :doc:`Argus Camera ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_argus_camera ` - ROS 2 packages based on NVIDIA ``libArgus`` library for hardware-accelerated CSI camera support. * - :doc:`Benchmark ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_benchmark ` - ROS 2 package which adds on top of ``ros2_benchmark`` package plugins, configuration files, and scripts to perform benchmarking on graphs of nodes using Isaac ROS. * - :doc:`Common ` - -- - Common utilities, packages, scripts, Dockerfiles, and testing infrastructure for Isaac ROS packages. * - :doc:`Compression ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_h264_decoder ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_h264_encoder ` - Hardware accelerated data compression * - :doc:`Depth Segmentation ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_bi3d ` - DNN-based depth segmentation and obstacle field ranging using Bi3D * - :doc:`DNN Inference ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_dnn_image_encoder ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_tensor_rt ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_triton ` - Hardware-accelerated DNN model inference ROS 2 packages using NVIDIA Triton/TensorRT for both Jetson and x86_64 with CUDA-capable GPU * - :doc:`DNN Stereo Depth ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_ess ` - Deep learned stereo disparity estimation * - :doc:`Freespace Segmentation ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_bi3d_freespace ` - DNN-based freespace segmentation for navigation * - :doc:`Image Pipeline ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_image_pipeline ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_image_proc ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc ` - Hardware-accelerated ROS 2 packages for camera image processing. * - :doc:`Image Segmentation ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_unet ` - Hardware-accelerated, deep learned semantic image segmentation * - :doc:`Map Localization ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_occupancy_grid_localizer ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_pointcloud_utils ` - ROS 2 package for map localization * - :doc:`Mission Client ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_scene_recorder ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_vda5050_nav2_client ` - Receives tasks and actions from the fleet management service and update progress, state, and errors * - :doc:`NITROS ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_gxf ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_nitros ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_nitros_interfaces ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_nitros_type ` - NVIDIA Isaac Transport for ROS package for hardware-acceleration friendly movement of messages * - :doc:`NITROS Bridge ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_ros1 ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_ros2 ` - Use Isaac ROS packages in your ROS 1 Noetic with NITROS-enabled performance. * - :doc:`Nova ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_correlated_timestamp_driver ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_hawk ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_imu_bmi088 ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_owl ` - Optimized Isaac ROS packages for `Isaac Nova Orin `__. * - :doc:`Nvblox ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_nvblox ` - Hardware-accelerated 3D scene reconstruction and Nav2 local costmap provider using nvblox * - :doc:`Object Detection ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_detectnet ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_yolov8 ` - Deep learning model support for object detection including DetectNet * - :doc:`Pose Estimation ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_centerpose ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_dope ` - Deep learned, hardware-accelerated 3D object pose estimation * - :doc:`Visual SLAM ` - | :doc:`isaac_ros_visual_slam ` | :doc:`isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces ` - Visual odometry package based on hardware-accelerated NVIDIA cuVSLAM library with world class quality and performance. .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: ./*/index