Tutorial: Mapping and Localization with Isaac Perceptor
This tutorial describes how to use the offline mapping capabilities of Isaac
Perceptor including visual global (cuVGL) localization map creation, cuVSLAM map
creation, and occupancy grid map creation, and how to run Isaac Perceptor with localization in the map.
Map Types
Isaac Perceptor is able to produce a few different types of maps when provided
with rosbags. The following list is the set of maps that are generated by the
:code:`create_map_offline.py` script shown below.
**cuVSLAM Map**
cuVSLAM is able to create a map and load a saved map of an environment and use that map to
improve localization performance and maintain a consistent global frame of reference.
**Visual Global Localization Map**
During startup or after losing localization, visual global localization can be
used to globally localize on a previously created map and operate in a shared
global frame of reference relative.
For more info about visual global localization, see: :doc:`Concepts: Visual Global Localization `
**Occupancy Grid Map**
Navigation packages such as `nav2 `_ use an occupancy
grid map in order represent the obstacles in a map. Isaac Perceptor uses :doc:`cuVSLAM `
and :doc:`Nvblox ` to build an occupancy grid map using cameras.
.. note::
The generated occupancy map is only intended to be used for
global path planning. Specifically it is not intended to be used for 2d
lidar localization. The generated map may contain slight artifacts and
imprecisions and therefore is expected to be used with a planner that
inflates obstacles.
.. note::
Because the ROS2 rosbag replay is nondeterministic, each run of the occupancy map creation may produce slightly different map.
Data Collection
1. Complete the instruction in the following doc to run the Nova recorder to record data :ref:`isaac_ros_nova_recorder Quickstart`.
2. Use :ir_repo:`nova-carter_hawk-4_no-3d-lidar `
configuration for data recording with the `Nova Carter`, which records the front, back,
left and right stereo cameras. Use :ir_repo:`hawk-3.yaml `
configuration for data recording with the `Nova Orin Deverloper Kit`, which records the
front, left, and right stereo cameras.
3. Drive the robot around the environment and capture as much of the environment as
possible. A vocabulary built with complete features of the environment and environments
with varied features are needed for image retrieval. Featureless environments or those
with predominantly repetitive structures can result in failed localization. We recommend
moving the robot for at least 1 minute within a 5x5m area where it can observe various
objects like chairs, tables, shelves, and other office furniture.
4. To generate a more accurate map, follow the guidelines
for the robot's trajectories during data collection:
a. **Closed Loop Segments:** Build mapping trajectories in loops or segments of
around 5-10 meters. This ensures the same area is captured from different angles, which
improves map detail and reduces drift.
b. **Avoid Long Straight Paths:** Long drives in unexplored areas accumulate drift
risk. Use short, closed loops instead.
c. **Vary Camera Angles:** Capturing locations from multiple angles makes the visual
map more reliable for future localization.
Schematic examples of efficient mapping paths in both narrow corridors and open
spaces, demonstrating optimal patterns for capturing comprehensive visual data
and reducing tracking drift.
.. note::
To mitigate the effects of tracking drift, :doc:`Multi-camera SLAM `
is used. For optimal pose correction and map accuracy, Loop Closing must
be effectively exploited. This mechanism corrects the robot's pose when
the robot revisits a previously mapped location.
.. figure::
:width: 800px
:alt: Visualization of the mapping trajectory in corridor
:align: center
.. figure::
:width: 800px
:alt: Visualization of the mapping trajectory in open space
:align: center
5. For localization rosbag collection, make sure to record at least 10s stationary
data at the beginning of the rosbag to allow the global localization to initialize correctly.
The localization trajectory should be in the mapping area and not deviate too much from
the mapping trajectory.
Running the Application
First, SSH into your robot (instructions for the :ref:`Nova Carter` and the :ref:`Nova Orin Developer Kit`).
Once you have SSHd into the robot, follow the instructions below to map and localize against maps.
Creating Maps
.. warning::
Map Creation will use all the CPU and GPU resources, make sure you do not have anything important running at the same time.
.. warning::
Glass and very thin structures such as wires and cable railings cannot be
detected by the current stereo networks used for depth estimation. If you have
such structures in your environment, you might need to modify the environment
so that there are larger visible features so that unnavigable areas are
correctly estimated.
.. note::
The quality of the occupancy map is dependent on the the disparity data provided to nvblox. Degraded results may occur in wall
corners. Improved results may be achieved with alternative stereo modalities, such as a different stereo camera or other AI/DNNs for
stereo disparity estimation.
Make sure the rosbag and output map folder path are mounted to the Docker container. You can
add them in ``${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common/scripts/.isaac_ros_dev-dockerargs`` then restart
the container.
Install `isaac_mapping_ros` on your `Nova Carter` or `Nova Orin Developer Kit` and create the maps mentioned above using the following commands:
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Binary Package
.. run_ros_app_binary::
:packages_up_to: isaac_mapping_ros
:package: isaac_mapping_ros
:asset_packages: isaac_ros_ess_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install
:asset_scripts: install_ess_models.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_vanilla.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg.sh
:app: create_map_offline.py --sensor_data_bag= --base_output_folder=
:command: run
You can monitor the progress of steps, including image extraction, running visual SLAM,
depth inference, occupancy map generation and global localization map creation.
Upon successful completion, you should see a message confirming that maps have been created.
A good occupancy map features well-aligned objects such as walls and overlapping
occupancy when the robot revisits the same locations. Misalignment in the map
is typically caused by pose errors. To get a better map, try collecting a rosbag
with more small loops in an environment rich with visual features.
Ensure one map creation job runs at a time within a :code:`ROS_DOMAIN_ID`. You can run
simultaneous jobs within different :code:`ROS_DOMAIN_ID`.
If depth inference step fails or hangs, it's usually because the previous ESS run didn't
exit cleanly. You can manually kill the ROS process or try to restart the Docker container
and run the command again.
Running Perceptor with Localization
.. note::
When localizing against a created map, distance from the trajectory taken
during mapping and the amount of change in the environment will heavily
effect the time required and the chance of localizing. It is typically advised
to stay within a meter of the trajectory of the initial map. If you are having
difficulties localizing against a map and the environment has changed
significantly, try remapping the environment.
.. note::
When enabling SLAM mode, you might see warnings of message drops
from time to time. This is due to the extra compute required for localization
and should not cause any issues. However, if you start experiencing degraded
performance, make sure there is enough compute available for your
configuration. For example, if any other processes are running in the background
which are using CPU, GPU, or memory bandwidth you might experience reduced
localization performance.
After you have created the maps in the tutorial above, you can use the maps for running Perceptor with localization.
First set the two environment variables for the location of the recordings and the map output folder. Modify those two variables based on your setup, for example, on Nova Carter:
.. code::
export RECORDINGS_FOLDER=/mnt/nova_ssd/recordings
export MAPS_FOLDER=/mnt/nova_ssd/maps
If you have a `Nova Carter`, install or build `nova_carter_bringup` and launch the app using the following command:
.. run_ros_app::
:repo: nova_carter
:image: isaac/nova_carter_bringup:release_3.2-aarch64
:packages_up_to: nova_carter_bringup
:package: nova_carter_bringup
:asset_packages: isaac_ros_ess_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install
:asset_scripts: install_ess_models.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_vanilla.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg.sh
:app: perceptor.launch.py stereo_camera_configuration:=front_left_right_configuration disable_vgl:=False vslam_load_map_folder_path:=/cuvslam_map/ vgl_map_dir:=/cuvgl_map/ occupancy_map_yaml_file:=/occupancy_map.yaml vslam_enable_slam:=True
:command: launch
The option :code:`--disable_vgl` determines if visual global
localization is turned off. The options :code:`--vslam_load_map_folder_path` and
:code:`--vgl_map_dir` refer to folders created in the above tutorial.
:code:`` refers to the option :code:`--output_folder` specified in the
map creation tutorial above.
If :code:`--occupancy_map_yaml_file` is specified, Nav2's `Map Server `_
is used to publish the occupancy grid as a :code:`nav2::OccupancyGridMap` message.
If you have a `Nova Orin Developer Kit`, install or build `nova_developer_kit_bringup` and launch the app using the following command:
.. run_ros_app::
:repo: nova_developer_kit
:image: isaac/nova_developer_kit_bringup:release_3.2-aarch64
:packages_up_to: nova_developer_kit_bringup
:package: nova_developer_kit_bringup
:asset_packages: isaac_ros_ess_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install
:asset_scripts: install_ess_models.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_vanilla.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg.sh
:app: perceptor.launch.py stereo_camera_configuration:=front_left_right_configuration disable_vgl:=False vslam_load_map_folder_path:=/cuvslam_map/ vgl_map_dir:=/cuvgl_map/ occupancy_map_yaml_file:=/occupancy_map.yaml vslam_enable_slam:=True
:command: launch
To run localization with a prerecorded rosbag, use :code:`mode:=rosbag rosbag:=` to specify
the rosbag path. The command to run it on a `Nova Carter` is as follows:
.. run_ros_app::
:repo: nova_carter
:image: isaac/nova_carter_bringup:release_3.2-aarch64
:packages_up_to: nova_carter_bringup
:package: nova_carter_bringup
:asset_packages: isaac_ros_ess_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install
:asset_scripts: install_ess_models.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_vanilla.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg.sh
:app: perceptor.launch.py stereo_camera_configuration:=front_left_right_configuration disable_vgl:=False vslam_load_map_folder_path:=/cuvslam_map/ vgl_map_dir:=/cuvgl_map/ occupancy_map_yaml_file:=/occupancy_map.yaml vslam_enable_slam:=True mode:=rosbag rosbag:=
:command: launch
If the `odom` frame already exists in the `/tf` message in the rosbag, it may conflict with
the `odom` frame generated by cuVSLAM. To resolve it, use :code:`replay_additional_args:="--remap /tf:=/tf_old"`
to remap the existing `/tf` topic.
Replay is at real time by default. You can adjust the replay rate by :code:`replay_rate:=`.
When running a short localization bag, use :code:`replay_rate:=0.1` to slow down the replay,
allowing more localization triggers and increasing the chances of successful localization.
Visualization Setup
Follow the steps to set up visualization, then you should see a visualization similar
to the one in the quickstart example below:
1. Follow the :ref:`Foxglove Setup` tutorial to launch Foxglove.
2. Download :ir_repo:`nova_carter_perceptor_localization.json ` layout configuration file.
3. Import the downloaded layout file into Foxglove.
Quickstart with a Pre-recorded Rosbag
1. Download ``r2b_galileo`` dataset from the `r2b 2024 dataset on NGC `__. It is a 20-second bag containing synchronized images from four stereo camera pairs. Place the dataset at ``$ISAAC_ROS_WS/isaac_ros_assets/r2b_2024/r2b_galileo``.
2. To create the map from the downloaded ``r2b_galileo`` rosbag, run the following command:
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Binary Package
.. run_ros_app_binary::
:packages_up_to: isaac_mapping_ros
:package: isaac_mapping_ros
:asset_packages: isaac_ros_ess_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install
:asset_scripts: install_ess_models.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_vanilla.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg.sh
:app: create_map_offline.py --sensor_data_bag=$ISAAC_ROS_WS/isaac_ros_assets/r2b_2024/r2b_galileo --base_output_folder=$ISAAC_ROS_WS/isaac_ros_assets/maps
:command: run
3. To run visual global localization, visual SLAM and the camera-based perception with the map generated in the previous step, run the following command:
.. note::
We use replay rate of 0.1 for the example because the rosbag is short and does not contain stationary frames at the beginning. Slowing down rosbag replay helps global localization to initialize correctly.
.. run_ros_app::
:repo: nova_carter
:image: isaac/nova_carter_bringup:release_3.2-aarch64
:packages_up_to: nova_carter_bringup
:package: nova_carter_bringup
:asset_packages: isaac_ros_ess_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install:isaac_ros_peoplesemseg_models_install
:asset_scripts: install_ess_models.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_vanilla.sh:install_peoplesemsegnet_shuffleseg.sh
:additional_docker_options: -v $ISAAC_ROS_WS:$ISAAC_ROS_WS
:app: perceptor.launch.py rosbag:=$ISAAC_ROS_WS/isaac_ros_assets/r2b_2024/r2b_galileo mode:=rosbag stereo_camera_configuration:=front_left_right_configuration disable_vgl:=False vslam_load_map_folder_path:=/cuvslam_map vgl_map_dir:=/cuvgl_map occupancy_map_yaml_file:=/occupancy_map.yaml replay_rate:=0.1 vslam_enable_slam:=True
:command: launch
The ``map_dir`` specifies the path to the output map directory generated by the map creation step.
4. Visualize the outputs:
.. figure:: :ir_lfs:``
:align: center
:width: 800px
You will see the `map` and `odom` frames nearly overlapping at the initial position on the left,
and the `baselink` frame moving to the right. Near the initial position, a green arrow
represents the pose hint sent from visual global localization. The purple trajectory,
following the `baselink` frame indicates the robot's motion path, computed
by visual SLAM.
In the diagnostic window, the `localized_in_exist_map` field indicates
whether the robot is localized within the map. If this field is `false`,
the robot pose and motion path is in the `odom` frame starting from the identity
pose at the beginning of the motion. Once the field changes to `true`, the
robot is successfully localized to the `map` frame, and its motion path
aligns with the map.
After you have generated the maps using the above script, refer to the following
tutorials to visualize additional perception outputs:
* :doc:`Tutorial: Camera-based 3D Perception with Isaac Perceptor on the Nova Carter `
* :doc:`Tutorial: Camera-based 3D Perception with Isaac Perceptor on the Nova Orin Developer Kit `