Tutorial to Run NITROS-Accelerated Graph with Argus Camera ========================================================== .. mermaid:: graph LR; argus_node("ArgusStereoNode (Raw Image)") --> left_rectify_node("RectifyNode (Rectified Image)"); argus_node --> right_rectify_node("RectifyNode (Rectified Image)"); left_rectify_node --> ess_node("ESSDisparityNode (DNN Inference)"); right_rectify_node --> ess_node; ess_node --> point_cloud_point("PointCloudNode (Point Cloud Output)"); If you have an :ir_repo:`Argus-compatible camera `, you can also use the launch file provided in this package to start a fully NITROS-accelerated stereo disparity graph. To start the graph: 1. Follow the :ref:`quickstart ` up to step 6. 2. Inside the container, install the ``isaac_ros_argus_camera`` package. :ir_apt: .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install -y ros-humble-isaac-ros-argus-camera 3. Launch ESS Disparity Node: .. code:: bash ros2 launch isaac_ros_ess isaac_ros_argus_ess.launch.py engine_file_path:=/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src/isaac_ros_dnn_stereo_depth/resources/ess.engine