RealSense Data Recording for Nvblox =================================== A custom launch file is provided to record RealSense data for playing back with nvblox. Record ROS Bag -------------- To record RealSense data for nvblox: 1. Make sure that all :ref:`RealSense Dependencies ` are met. 2. Connect the camera, start the Docker container and source the workspace as explained in :doc:`tutorial_realsense`. 3. Start recording: .. code:: bash ros2 launch nvblox_examples_bringup 4. Stop the recording when done. Start Nvblox from ROS Bag ------------------------- 1. Setup your workspace for the RealSense. For example, if you want to run :doc:`static `, :doc:`human `, or :doc:`dynamic ` reconstruction. 2. Inside the sourced ROS Docker container start nvblox from a bag: .. code:: bash ros2 launch nvblox_examples_bringup from_bag:=True bag_path:=