Human Reconstruction with RealSense =================================== .. figure:: :ir_lfs:`` :width: 600px :align: center This tutorial demonstrates how to perform dynamic human reconstruction in nvblox using RealSense data. For more information on how human reconstruction works, see :doc:`/concepts/scene_reconstruction/nvblox/technical_details`. Setup Isaac ROS Image Segmentation ------------------------------------ .. note:: If you are on a desktop machine, we recommend using the ``PeopleSemSegNet`` over the ``PeopleSemSegNet ShuffleSeg`` model that is provided in :ir_repo:`Isaac ROS Image Segmentation ` for better segmentation performance. If you are on a Jetson, using the ``PeopleSemSegNet ShuffleSeg`` model is recommended for overall inference speed and prediction accuracy trade-off. The following steps show you how to run ``PeopleSemSegNet`` in ROS. See :ir_repo:`this document ` to run the ``PeopleSemSegNet ShuffleSeg`` network. 1. Complete all steps of the :doc:`tutorial_realsense` and make sure it is working. 2. Clone the segmentation repository under ``${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src``. .. code:: bash cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src .. code:: bash git clone :ir_clone:`` 3. Pull down a rosbag of sample data: .. code:: bash cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_image_segmentation && \ git lfs pull -X "" -I "resources/rosbags/" 4. Launch the Docker container using the ```` script: .. code:: bash cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/ 5. Inside the container, install ``isaac_ros_image_segmentation`` :ir_apt: .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install -y ros-humble-isaac-ros-image-segmentation 6. Download the ``PeopleSemSegNet`` ETLT file and the\ ``int8`` inference mode cache file: .. code:: bash mkdir -p /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/models/peoplesemsegnet/1 cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/models/peoplesemsegnet wget '' wget '' 7. Convert the ETLT file to a TensorRT plan file: .. code:: bash /opt/nvidia/tao/tao-converter -k tlt_encode -d 3,544,960 -p input_1:0,1x3x544x960,1x3x544x960,1x3x544x960 -t int8 -c peoplesemsegnet_vanilla_unet_dynamic_etlt_int8.cache -e /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/models/peoplesemsegnet/1/model.plan -o argmax_1 peoplesemsegnet_vanilla_unet_dynamic_etlt_int8_fp16.etlt 8. Create the Triton configuration file called ``/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/models/peoplesemsegnet/config.pbtxt`` with the following content: .. code:: bash name: "peoplesemsegnet" platform: "tensorrt_plan" max_batch_size: 0 input [ { name: "input_1:0" data_type: TYPE_FP32 dims: [ 1, 3, 544, 960 ] } ] output [ { name: "argmax_1" data_type: TYPE_INT32 dims: [ 1, 544, 960, 1 ] } ] version_policy: { specific { versions: [ 1 ] } } 9. Inside the container, build and source the workspace: .. code:: bash cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev && \ colcon build --symlink-install && \ source install/setup.bash 10. (Optional) Run tests to verify complete and correct installation: .. code:: bash colcon test --executor sequential 11. Run the following launch file to get the ROS node running: .. code:: bash ros2 launch isaac_ros_unet model_name:=peoplesemsegnet model_repository_paths:=['/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/models'] input_binding_names:=['input_1:0'] output_binding_names:=['argmax_1'] network_output_type:='argmax' 12. Open *two* other terminals, and enter the Docker container in both: .. code:: bash cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/ 13. Play the rosbag in one of the terminals: .. code:: bash ros2 bag play -l src/isaac_ros_image_segmentation/resources/rosbags/unet_sample_data/ And visualize the output in the other terminal: .. code:: bash ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view 14. Verify that the output looks similar to this image: .. figure:: :ir_lfs:`` :width: 600px :align: center Example with RealSense Live Data -------------------------------- 1. Complete the `Setup Isaac ROS Image Segmentation`_ section above. 2. Connect the RealSense device to your machine using a USB 3 cable/port. 3. Run the ROS Docker container using the ```` script: .. code:: bash cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/ 4. Source the workspace: .. code:: bash source /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/install/setup.bash 5. Verify that the RealSense camera is connected by running ``realsense-viewer``: .. code:: bash realsense-viewer 6. If successful, run the launch file to spin up the example: .. code:: bash ros2 launch nvblox_examples_bringup .. note:: If you want to restrict odometry to a 2D plane (for example, to run a robot in a flat environment), you can use the ``flatten_odometry_to_2d`` argument. Example with RealSense Recorded Data ------------------------------------ If you want to run the example on recorded data see :doc:`tutorial_realsense_record`. Troubleshooting --------------- See :doc:`/repositories_and_packages/isaac_ros_nvblox/isaac_ros_nvblox/troubleshooting/troubleshooting_nvblox_realsense`.