Dynamic Reconstruction in Isaac Sim =================================== .. figure:: :ir_lfs:`` :align: center :width: 600px This tutorial demonstrates how to perform general dynamic reconstruction in nvblox with Isaac Sim. The algorithm used for nvblox dynamic reconstruction is based on the following paper: * | Lukas Schmid, Olov Andersson, Aurelio Sulser, Patrick Pfreundschuh, and Roland Siegwart. | "**Dynablox: Real-time Detection of Diverse Dynamic Objects in Complex Environments**" | in *IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)*, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 6259 - 6266, October 2023. | [ `IEEE `__ | `ArXiv `__ | `Video `__] For more about general dynamic reconstruction in nvblox see :doc:`/concepts/scene_reconstruction/nvblox/technical_details`. .. note:: Due to a known issue, there is no animation of humans in the scene. .. note:: Dynamic reconstruction requires accurate pose estimation. Objects moving slower than the odometry drift can't be detected as dynamic. Tutorial Walkthrough -------------------- Before continuing this example, you must have successfully completed the :doc:`tutorial_isaac_sim`. .. note:: This tutorial runs ``Isaac ROS Visual SLAM`` for pose estimation, instead of using the Isaac Sim poses, because of a known issue in Isaac Sim. 1. Open the Isaac Sim terminal and export the necessary environment variables as explained in steps 2-3 of the :doc:`Isaac Sim Setup Guide `. 2. Start the simulation by running the following command in the terminal: .. code:: bash ./python.sh ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_nvblox/nvblox_examples/nvblox_isaac_sim/omniverse_scripts/start_isaac_sim.py --with_people --gpu_physics_enabled --scenario_path=/Isaac/Samples/NvBlox/carter_warehouse_navigation_with_dynamics.usd .. note:: For more information on the ``start_isaac_sim`` script see the :ir_repo:`README `. 3. *In another terminal*, run the ROS Docker container using the ``run_dev.sh`` script: .. code:: bash cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common && \ ./scripts/run_dev.sh 4. Inside the container, install ``isaac_ros_visual_slam`` :ir_apt: .. code:: bash sudo apt-get install -y ros-humble-isaac-ros-visual-slam 5. Launch the pre-composed graph launch file: .. code:: bash ros2 launch nvblox_examples_bringup isaac_sim_dynamics_example.launch.py run_vslam:=True global_frame:=odom_vslam 6. Use the **2D Goal Pose** button to navigate the robot around. Troubleshooting --------------- Refer to the :doc:`/repositories_and_packages/isaac_ros_nvblox/isaac_ros_nvblox/troubleshooting/troubleshooting_nvblox_isaac_sim`.