Tutorial for NITROS Bridge with Isaac Sim ================================================= Overview ------------ This tutorial will walk you through how to use :ir_repo:`isaac_ros_nitros_bridge ` to move images on the GPU while avoiding CPU memory copies from Isaac Sim. Tutorial Walkthrough -------------------- 1. Clone ``isaac_ros_common`` repository under a new workspace: .. code:: bash mkdir -p ~/isaac_sim_workspaces && \ cd ~/isaac_sim_workspaces && \ git clone :ir_clone:`` 2. Install and launch Isaac Sim under the Isaac Sim workspace following the steps in the :doc:`Isaac ROS Isaac Sim Setup Guide ` 3. Press **Play** to start publishing data from the Isaac Sim. .. note:: You should be able to see, using the command ``ros2 topic list``, two topics under the same main name, one for the standard ROS 2 `sensor_msgs/Image `__ (e.g.: ``/front_stereo_camera/left/image_rect_color``) and another for :ir_repo:`isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_interfaces/NitrosBridgeImage ` (e.g.: ``/front_stereo_camera/left/image_rect_color/nitros_bridge``). 4. Complete the step 3 & 4 from ``Set Up Development Environment`` section and ``Build from Source`` section following the ``isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_ros2`` quickstart :ref:`here `. 5. Inside the container, change the ``ptrace`` scope to be able to run the NITROS Bridge: .. code:: bash echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope 6. Inside the container, edit the :ir_repo:`isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_image_converter.launch.py ` ROS 2 launch file to remap the ``ros2_input_bridge_image`` to the Isaac Sim's NITROS Bridge topic name (e.g.: ``/front_stereo_camera/left/image_rect_color/nitros_bridge``). Then, run the following command to start the NITROS Bridge. .. code:: bash cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev && \ source install/setup.bash && \ ros2 launch isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_ros2 isaac_ros_nitros_bridge_image_converter.launch.py pub_image_name:=nitros_pub sub_image_name:=nitros_sub 7. The converted NITROS image will be available under the ``nitros_pub`` topic.