Create a ROS Noetic Container with ROS 1 Bridge ================================================= 1. Clone the ``isaac_ros_common`` repository and ``ros1_bridge`` under ROS 1 workspace: .. code:: bash mkdir -p ~/workspaces/ros1_ws/isaac_ros-dev/src && \ cd ~/workspaces/ros1_ws/isaac_ros-dev/src && \ git clone :ir_clone:`` && \ git clone 2. Clone the ``isaac_ros_noetic_interfaces`` and ``isaac_ros_nitros_bridge`` repositories under the ROS 1 workspace: .. code:: bash mkdir -p ~/workspaces/ros1_ws/isaac_ros_1-dev/src && \ cd ~/workspaces/ros1_ws/isaac_ros_1-dev/src && \ git clone :ir_clone:`` && \ git clone :ir_clone:`` .. note:: The ROS 1 packages within ``isaac_ros_nitros_bridge`` are excluded by ``COLCON_IGNORE``. In this Dockerfile, ``COLCON_IGNORE`` is automatically removed to build ROS 1 workspace. If you intend to build these packages in your own environment, ensure that you remove the ``COLCON_IGNORE`` file first. 3. Build the ``Noetic`` Docker: .. code:: bash cd ~/workspaces && \ docker build --build-arg USER_UID=$(id -u) --build-arg USER_GID=$(id -g) -t nitros_bridge -f ros1_ws/isaac_ros_1-dev/src/isaac_ros_nitros/isaac_ros_nitros_bridge/docker/Dockerfile.ros1_noetic .